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The material was recorded during the MoM workshop in Taipei in 2017. The one week working process was culminated in an open presentation followed by the artist talk you see a fragment from on this video 

(edited by Che-Sheng Wu).  

The MoM - Musicality of Movement - approach is developed by Virág Dezső Hungarian / Dutch performing artist, artistic leader of the Moving Academy for Performing Arts / MAPA Amsterdam.


PhD research project 

Marta Sancho-Andrés at Conservatorio Superior de Música de A Coruña (Spain)

Recent research on muiscal performance showing how Musicality of Movement / MoM developped by Virag Dezso integrates bosy and mind in an inseparable way, offering a practical approach for musicians. 

Master Research

Charlotte Riedijk at the Royal Music Academy Den Haag

investigates the impact on singing, on the process of vocal development and stage performance.

Master Research 
Virág Dezsö 'Xtreme Light'
at Codarts - Fontys joint degree COMMA
master research investigating the possibility of crossover form of integrating movement and music instumental play. The posssble dramamtic relation between the two on the base of musicality. 

MoM / Musicality of Movement © 2024 

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