Finalising 結業式
Celebrating with Certificates & Thank You's.Thank you beautiful people! Saying good by on the Taiwanese way: easy, cute and funny....

Performing Site Specific on Treasure Hill / II 【寶藏期間限定 II】
The second Open Presentation of the day, Site-Specific Instant Compositions on Treasure Hill Artist Village. ...

Performing Site Specific on Treasure Hill / I 【寶藏期間限定 I 】
Culminating the intense MoM workshop in Open Presentations. Site-Specific Instant Compositions on different locations in Treasure Hill...

Exploring specific sites 探索場域特定表演
Finally the weather allows us exploring Site-Specific composition issues on different locations in Treasure Hill Artist Village Taipei....

Sensing Body, Space & Sound 肢體、空間...聲音!
Exploring sound in space; the relation space and sound; the relation space, sound and action. Individual, partner and group...

Change of plan - Screen presentation 計畫變更-影片呈現
The planned location performance by Virág Dezso had to be canceled due to the overwhelming recent experiences in her life. The quick...

The triangle concept towards phrasing 從三角概念到句子
Keep discovering musicality in the body, in relation to space and time. Exploring the next triangle: leaving, traveling, arriving. The...

Site-Specific Theatre in the Netherlands 荷蘭的場域特定劇場
Video lecture by Ide van Heiningen, founder and director of MAPA, the Moving Academy for Performing Arts - Amsterdam. He brings examples...

Musicality of Movement with Virag Dezso 跟著薇拉・黛喆一起“動作音樂性”
After 3 free days, now its time for diving deep into musicality on all level and beginning with instant composition based on the MoM...

Moving body, moving space & Articulation 從肢體表達到舞台空間的探索
Third and fourth day is still in the hands of the MAPA team: Vanja Schoch (soprano from Switzerland), supported by Yung-Tuan Ku and Che...