Site-Specific Theatre in the Netherlands 荷蘭的場域特定劇場
Video lecture by Ide van Heiningen, founder and director of MAPA, the Moving Academy for Performing Arts - Amsterdam. He brings examples from the Netherlands to answer questions about Site-Specific performance.
It gives a brief overview of the last 40 years as a development in the field of theatre, mime, development of a new language and use of spaces in performance.
《荷蘭移動表演藝術學院X旬印咖啡 表演藝術仨講座》今天在MAPA創辦人Ide對荷蘭場域特定表演藝術的歷史脈絡與作品介紹下完美結束。感謝旬印咖啡對藝文活動的支持,在熙熙攘攘的城市裡,提供一個讓藝術家分享故事的舞台。在這三場講座裡,台灣年輕學生與藝術工作者眼裡散發出的光芒與啟發,便是我們此行最大的滿足。
Three generations coming together in MAPA. Left to right: Frits Vogels (chairman of the board), Virag Dezso (artistic leader), Ide van Heiningen (founder and director)
with he Dutch Representative in Anemos Cafe after the presentation
Owner Anemos cafe