Relation to space 與空間的關係
The morning starts by calling the Dutch representative office, designing posters and the arrival of our lunch. In the body training by Ide van Heiningen we focus on the functional triangle of the actor/performer: being the sender, receiver and observer and the interaction of these functions. With Virag Dezső we work with the body to experience the relation to space. Teacher Trudi Ko, from the Architecture department, Tamkang University (TKUA) Tapei, watches, as she wants to incorporate the training into her own classes: "it is very important for architects to feel the space." We hear Virag: "You have to know what your goal is based on experiencing not based on patterns! The body is always looking for the most economic way. That is the healthy way; you need to trust it." Our MAPA Taiwan group is developing beautifully! And everyday a new animal visitor. 美好的一天開始於荷蘭駐台灣代表處打來的電話,設計海報,與工作坊成員為大家買的午餐油飯。今天伊德的肢體訓練專注於演員與表演者在舞台上的功能角色:傳遞者、接收者、觀察者與這些功能之間的相互作用,薇拉則專注在體驗身體與空間的關係。淡江大學建築系的教授柯純融在旁聽了一天的課程之後,表示希望可以把工作坊的訓練納入她的課程裡:我認為讓建築師有能力去感受空間是非常重要的。薇拉在課程裡告訴我們:你必須要瞭解到,你的目標是體驗這個感受空間的過程,而不是遵循既有的模式或風格,我們的身體自己會找到最自然、健康的方式,你要相信它!工作坊的大家都在美麗的成長茁壯著!另外,每一天都有一個新的小動物造訪呢!