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MAPA Taiwan adventure

Time and movement 時間與動作

Catching the moment. Being there. After the warming up with Ide van Heiningen, Virag Dezső starts with an exercise of throwing a 'ball' in the air: "Follow the movement till it hits the ground. You have to feel the moment is coming, you have to prepare, to be there, to end. You have to be with it and sense the timing, the quality of the moment. Body movement has a certain quality. When your action becomes clear then timing is clear. It is in the action the movement has to be clear and readable. The butterfly on our dance floor and the Bowed Fiddler Crab building his sand-roof against the flood are the beautiful gifts of the day, which ends with the welcoming hospitality of our Dutch representatives and generous diner with Mrs. Jeane Huang (former director Taipei film festival). In mandarin butterfly is FU-dei and sounds like happiness or good luck! 瞬間、當下!在伊德的暖身之後,薇拉開始一個練習:丟球,跟著球的動作,直到落地為止。你要感覺整個丟球動作的開始,預備,跟著它一起結束落地。你要與球成為一體,感覺球運動的時間與特質。每個肢體動作都有一個明確的特性,當動作的開始是清楚的、可以被閱讀的,動作才是清楚的。有隻蝴蝶停在舞蹈地板上,招潮蟹用沙子築起了洞穴的屋頂,多美好的一天啊。在荷蘭駐台灣代表處的接待,與台北電影節總監黃鴻端的豐盛晚餐下,畫下了完美的句點。蝴蝶的蝴,聽起來有點像福,它象徵著快樂與好運!

Our MAPA Taiwan team and participants 我們的MAPA團隊與工作坊成員

From left to right at the Representative Office of the Netherlands: Representative and Head of Mission Mr. Guy Wittich, founder and Director MAPA Ide van Heiningen, Artistic Leader MAPA Virag Dezso (front), visual artists coördinator MAPA Machteld Aardse (back), Artistic Leader MAPA - Taiwan cultural exchange program, MAPA residence Yung-Tuan Ku (front), Deputy Representative and Head of the Consular Department André Verkade (back), Taiwan team assistant Che-Sheng Wu (front) 荷蘭駐台灣代表處。處長Mr. Guy Wittich。副處長Mr. André Verkade

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2017 blog by Machteld Aardse

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